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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
B00m 00s0.0 ft0 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyHome point recorded
C00m 01s-0.3 ft0 ftTipThis is a normal message with no risk and no impact on safetyMotors started
D00m 02s-0.7 ft0 ftModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
E00m 02s-0.7 ft0 ftTipReturn to home altitude:50M
F00m 07s-1.0 ft0 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
 01m 57s40.0 ft809 ft
93% Battery at maximum distance
 02m 51s40.7 ft25 ft
90% Battery
G04m 22s42.7 ft29 ftModeMode changed to Atti
H04m 22s42.7 ft29 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
I05m 05s51.5 ft30 ftTipStart POI Exit F-Mode to end Intelligent Navigation Modes
J05m 05s51.5 ft30 ftModeMode changed to GPS HotPoint
 05m 30s51.2 ft22 ft
80% Battery
K06m 27s52.5 ft55 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
L06m 56s81.4 ft441 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
M06m 57s81.0 ft435 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
 07m 47s158.5 ft59 ft
70% Battery
N07m 52s187.0 ft59 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
O07m 54s189.6 ft59 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
P08m 34s208.3 ft59 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
Q08m 37s208.0 ft59 ftWarningSignal lost, aircraft going home
R08m 41s207.7 ft59 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
S08m 45s197.8 ft59 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
T08m 45s195.9 ft60 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
U08m 52s127.0 ft59 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
V09m 24s124.7 ft502 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
W09m 25s124.7 ft502 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
X09m 42s124.7 ft450 ftTipGoing home
Y09m 42s124.7 ft450 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
Z09m 45s124.7 ft450 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
a09m 46s125.3 ft451 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
b09m 55s162.1 ft425 ftModeMode changed to WiFi Reconnect
c09m 56s162.1 ft410 ftModeMode changed to Go Home
d10m 17s162.7 ft8 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding
e10m 17s162.7 ft8 ftTipGoing home
f10m 21s162.1 ft9 ftModeMode changed to P-GPS
 10m 21s162.1 ft9 ft
60% Battery
g11m 36s57.7 ft7 ftTipLanding
h11m 36s57.7 ft7 ftModeMode changed to AutoLanding








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