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  Flight time Altitude Home Dist Type Notification
A08m 10s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Motors Started
B08m 11s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to Assisted Takeoff
C08m 13s0.0 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
D08m 13s0.1 m0 mTipHome Point Recorded, Return-to-Home Altitude:20M
 08m 22s11.8 m0 m
60% Battery
E08m 41s22.2 m40 mModeMode changed to Go Home
F08m 56s22.1 m0 mModeMode changed to AutoLanding
G08m 56s22.1 m0 mWarningDescending. Exited Visual Avoidance System
H09m 24s0.6 m0 mTipGround Plain. Safe to Land
I09m 26s0.2 m0 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
J10m 00s33.4 m68 mTipCamera Settings ActiveTrack Optimized
K10m 18s33.4 m67 mModeMode changed to Joystick
L10m 18s33.4 m67 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
M10m 25s33.5 m67 mModeMode changed to Joystick
N10m 25s33.5 m67 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
O10m 27s33.3 m67 mModeMode changed to Joystick
P10m 27s33.3 m67 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
Q10m 31s33.5 m67 mModeMode changed to Joystick
R10m 31s33.5 m67 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
 10m 36s33.4 m67 m
50% Battery
S10m 52s33.3 m67 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
T11m 01s33.4 m67 mModeMode changed to Track Spotlight
 11m 36s45.5 m86 m
45% Battery at maximum distance
 12m 50s10.4 m20 m
40% Battery
U13m 16s4.6 m11 mModeMode changed to GPS CL
V13m 16s4.6 m11 mWarningSubject Lost. Searching...
W13m 17s4.6 m10 mModeMode changed to Track Spotlight
X13m 17s4.6 m10 mModeMode changed to GPS CL
Y13m 22s4.5 m11 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
Z13m 41s4.6 m13 mWarningReset Success
a14m 47s4.3 m5 mModeMode changed to Joystick
b14m 47s4.3 m5 mModeMode changed to ActiveTrack
 15m 13s1.9 m3 m
30% Battery
c15m 22s1.9 m3 mLow RiskLow severity, impact on safety is likely not significantObstacle Avoidance Disabled. Fly with caution.
d16m 24s9.7 m17 mModeMode changed to Sport
e16m 26s9.8 m17 mModeMode changed to P-GPS
f16m 37s10.0 m8 mModeMode changed to Sport







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